Thursday, January 26, 2012


*26th January.

 First day without a Boss. He'll be in Singapore for a couple of weeks with his loving wifey &

will be transacting business there, so as a full-time model employee,(LOL) i will write down my blogs

during his absence. JOKE. So apparently, I have 2 weeks to work on the filing, encoding & updating the

sales report, & of course, got 2 weeks also to steal some precious time to do blogs & work on my

"underconstruction blogsite".Yeah, i Love it! Lucky to have this extra time & I just hope I would not

get lazy to jot down everything & every thought that came to my mind. But well, 2 weeks is too short

to have unique happenings mixed up for me, so as to write down interesting stuff. But i've got a lot

on my mind, as well. (oh my! why  am I so bothered about this? I have to remind myself that my blog will be

just all about my Baby, & me, being a Mom, & another me, being a wife.) Ok, no more fashion blogs this

time. whoa! *mature role*

 Rewinding the last quarter of my 2011, I haven't written down anything yet,but got a bunch of stuffs in my

 head. And I guess, I've got a whole lot more to say. So is it too late to get back & reminisce? Nah. As long

as I can perform fast-forward blogs until I reach the current one.   Now this is what you call RUN. Run to

make it up on my stagnant days (that was almost 2 months) during my bedrest days.

Ok, ok, let's make this happen.

Goodluck to me, newbie mom-me blogger!

PS. Happy Birthday to my wonderwoman friend, Nanie. (Regina Ibunes-Bernabe) I hope I could make a blog for you, since you are, aside from being a very dear friend to me, was also my IDOL in life! yeah! haha! Love you, Ning.