Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Pregnancy not so easy..

After 4 days amd 3 nights of staying in the hospital, I am stuck up at home now, still in bedrest, as per my OB-GYNE's adviced. At 29 weeks, or early 7 months, I had pre-term labor and my cervix opened by 2 cm very early, which is not normal & very risky, according to the OB-GYNE. I had slight labor pains & tummy contractions, which is normally felt during the 9th month of pregnancy or at the time of labor until delivery. In my case, Im at high risk of pregnancy because my exact date of 7th month will be on the 15th of March, meaning too early to deliver at this moment. The pre-term labor was also triggered by the result of my urinalysis test, I have UTI & the infection was very high. (Im sorry I don't know how to read the laboratory test result with medical terms & figures.I wish Im a nurse this time) But despite my ill condition, the baby inside my womb is fine, she's normal, the heartbeat, the position, except for the unusual kicks & hard movement which leads to unusual contraction. If I may compare the baby's movement right now tih Gabb's movement before when he was still in my womb, it was just the same. Gabb kicks harder & moves randomly during my 6th month up to 8th month. FYI, he is a pre-mature, he lacks 3 weeks. I guess, my babies were naturally hyper & strong, LOL ( at least I can still managed to laugh) Seriously, I was praying hard to keep everything in good condition, to keep me safe & the baby as well, to deliver my baby on the right due dte, so she would be in full term, healthy & bouncy. I pray that God helps us to stay strong & faithful despite all these matter. :-)