Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Prayer of a Child

The prayer of a child
is often answered.
It is answered
because it is pure.
It is answered
because it has no fear.
It does not think about the past,
it does not worry about the future.
It is not ashamed to express the truth,
it is not ashamed to express how it feels.
The prayer of a child
goes right up to heaven,
unto the ears of God
who hears it,
because it wants to be heard.
The prayer of a child
is answered
even before it has been uttered.
It was answered
when the child started to pray
with her heart.


Saturday, August 18, 2012


Make-up of the Day: <Saturday>

*Avon Soft Bisque Pressed powder for face
*Clinique for eyeshadow
*Sophie Martin koshize concealer
*Colorworks lightly rosebud for cheeks
*Sophie Martin Matte Pink Lipstick
*Estee Lauder Lip Shimmer